Learning Outcome #5 & 6

Outcome #5 & 6

My ability to cite sources honestly did not change much at all throughout this course. In my showcase writing project, which was the second paper, we were instructed to cite both our peer’s essays along with Pollan’s. For these citations we were given a sheet with the format in which we needed to have our citations in. For the other papers throughout the course, I would simply put my sources into EasyBib and paste them into the Works cited section of my paper. As a class we did read a passage from “Little Seagull” about MLA at one point, but I never went back or used this book as a resource for making my MLA citations for any of my essays in the course. The discussions that we have in class regarding MLA did not introduce any new information about the subject that I was not already aware of, but it did serve as a good refresher for my familiarity.